The Benefits of Professional Web Design: Why It’s Worth the Investment

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February 14, 2024

Hey there, fellow digital explorer!

Today, we’re diving into a topic near and dear to us at Mantis Digital…

…web design.

More specifically, why investing in professional web design is a fantastic idea.

So, you’re thinking of doing it yourself. While it may sound like a great way to save money, it involves a lot of time and skill. Many DIYers face steep learning curves in the process.

Hiring a professional web designer not only saves you time but also eliminates the stress and frustration of tackling web design on your own.

Remember, your website’s design is your digital storefront. It has the potential to make or break the visitor experience.

On that note, let’s dive into the reasons why going pro is well worth the investment.

First impressions are everything

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

There’s a high chance your website is where your customers will come to discover your business, so captivate them from the moment they make their first click.

Imagine browsing the web for a product or service only to stumble upon a website that looks like it was designed during the age of dial-up. Would you trust it? Probably not… but it might give you a few laughs.

A professional web designer can craft a site that looks polished and modern, making a fantastic first impression on your visitors.

A developer types code on a laptop.

Prioritise user experience

Have you ever visited a website that left you feeling like you needed a treasure map to find what you were looking for?

Don’t let that be your website’s story. Hire a professional web designer and avoid this risk altogether.

A web designer knows how to make your site user-friendly and easy to navigate. They create pathways that guide your visitors to the information they need without frustration. As masters of presenting information in a way that’s easy to read and digest, web designers display your content in a way that engages with visitors and invites them to explore further.

Let your brand shine

Copying another site’s design or using a generic template will do nothing to help your brand blossom.

Mantis designers know that one-size-fits-all templates are a dime a dozen. But do you really want your website to look like a whole lot of others?

Your website is an extension of your brand. It needs a tailored solution that showcases your brand identity through clever, consistent and unique design.

Responsive design – no more mobile mayhem

A web designer will ensure your site looks and functions beautifully, no matter the device. With everyone on their smartphones these days, responsive website design is a must.

Do you know how to do this yourself?

Design rookies often overlook features like mobile responsiveness. Professional web designers will ensure your site looks great and functions beautifully on any sized screen.

A small price to pay for security

A good web designer has knowledge of security best practices, such as SSL certificates, data encryption and cross-site scripting. This helps protect your website and user data from security breaches and data leaks.

Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly common and have long-lasting consequences for businesses and consumers. No one wants to deal with the costly and frustrating ramifications of a hack.

Once a web designer has implemented various security measures, they can display trust badges on your site, reassuring users that you take their privacy seriously.

Adaptability and scalability

It’s no secret that the digital world moves at lightning speed.

With the rate that new website trends pop up, your DIY site could be outdated before you even launch it.

Professional web designers stay in the loop, so you don’t have to. They have their finger on the pulse, ensuring your site remains modern, competitive and secure throughout its lifetime.

Support from your web designer doesn’t end once your site is live. Ongoing maintenance and scalability are all part of the process. As your business grows, a professional web designer will make sure your website evolves with it. Planning for scalability makes it easy to implement future updates and expansions.

Designers go over plans for a website that are mapped out on a table.

Partner with Mantis and future-proof your website

At Mantis, we do more than create pretty websites. Don’t fret! Your website will look smashing, but we’ll offer a raft of other benefits that will significantly improve your user experience and online success.

We plan, create, maintain and optimise. You can’t go wrong with our web designers on your side.

It’s time to bite the bullet and invest in a professionally designed website. We promise the long-term advantages will make it one of the savviest business decisions you’ve ever made!

Got a WordPress site that needs a revamp? We can do that too! Send us a message today using the form on this page and let’s chat about the future of your website.

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