Hansells logo.


Covid-19 rapidly changed the game for a lot of Kiwi businesses and many found they needed to be able to sell online, immediately. Here’s how we helped Hansells with a powerful new e-commerce website to continue to reach their customers, while also supporting their new product launch.

Hansells is a much-loved Kiwi food company who have been on our shelves and in our cupboards since the 1930’s. Over time, they have diversified, producing several different sub-brands with different branding styles. We sought to unify those brands online with a website reflective of their refreshed company-wide look.

Alongside that, we also rolled out a new e-commerce online shop to support the online launch of their exciting new powdered yoghurt brand. The online shopping functionality was crucial to give this product visibility in the middle of a nationwide lockdown.

Our Solution

We built a fresh, modern website on an powerful and intuitive Content Management System (WordPress). With this system, staff are empowered to easily make their own changes when they launch new products, or when they want to share news or a blog post. We augmented the core functionality of WordPress with the unique branding and needs of Hansells, including a customised e-commerce function for a modern and seamless online shopping experience.

We also ensured the site would be an easy-to-navigate informational resource for consumers. Hansells has a wide range of products to showcase and educate buyers about, and we enjoyed the challenge of giving every product its own spotlight while uniting them under a cohesive brand.

We completed the entire web project with rapid turnaround so that Hansells could immediately adapt to the strange new market environment, while equipping them long-term with an easy-to-use, cohesively branded website.

Our Services:

Search Engine Optimisation
E-commerce GA setup and integration
Social media integration
Ongoing website hosting and maintenance
User Experience
Web page examples of informational text displayed in an easy to consume format while highlighting different company products.Examples of product page layouts that continue the company's branding colors.Boyesenberry Yoghurt product page that features product details along with customer reviews.

Have an Idea?
Let's Build and Scale It!

    Quentosity Group office sitting area.