Lifewise logo.


Lifewise is an Auckland-based community social development organisation. They offer support and education across family care, social work, housing, health, addiction and disability services.

Lifewise came to us with an old, clunky site that they felt did not inspire action or cohesively display the information their audience needed to see.

Our Solution

Using a robust customised WordPress platform, we crafted a website that better reflects the mission and message of Lifewise.

We worked alongside Curative in the rebranding process, and designed a vibrant, modern site that is easy to navigate and includes strong calls to action to volunteer, donate and attend events. Each of the Lifewise services are clearly explained and accessible through the site.

One of the most important elements of this new website was the building of a straightforward, compelling donation gateway. Visitors are able to donate pre-specified amounts or customs amounts of money, and they are able to choose which of Lifewise’s causes will directly receive their donation.

The new Lifewise website has empowered the organisation to communicate the benefits of their services and reach the people who need them, in order to further their mission towards a more equitable Aotearoa.

Our Services:

301 redirects to preserve existing SEO
Mobile compatibility
Google Analytics integration
Google Reviews feed integration
Google Maps integration via API
Ongoing hosting and maintenance
Example of web page design utilising negative space around words to make a strong impact.Mobile phones laid over a web page to demonstrate the website is optimized for mobile use.Web page example of statistics arranged in a visually appealing manner.Design layout that utilises a tile layout with photos overlaid with text and color blocks.

Have an Idea?
Let's Build and Scale It!

    Quentosity Group office sitting area.