Parkwood Doors logo.

Parkwood Doors

Parkwood Doors is a family-owned business who specialises in hand-crafting premium doors. Their solid reputation is thanks to 25 years of design excellence, great customer service and a community-minded team.

Parkwood came to us with a slow, inconsistently designed site that was very difficult for staff and visitors to navigate and was not at all a reflection of the calibre of their work. It was also difficult to determine product specifications depending on whether customers were based in Australia or New Zealand. In short, Parkwood was missing out on customers who could have been converted by a good website that clearly displayed the right information.

Our Solution

So, we built a great website. With a focus on clean, contemporary design and a user-friendly experience, we built a robust WordPress platform that enables staff to easily update their products and, most importantly, keeps potential customers engaged and informed.

We also developed extensive search and filter functionality for visitors to find the correct specification doors across both the Australian and NZ markets, and a useful custom upload tool that allows Parkwood staff to bulk upload up-to-date data directly from their resource planning software. The new website also boasts a dynamic store locator and persuasive CTAs to get in touch, get a quote, and explore the site further. We also built a straightforward trade portal that allows dealers to easily order the full Parkwood range.

We are proud to have delivered a site that adds fantastic value to the marketing and customer engagement efforts of Parkwood Doors.

Our Services:

Image manipulation
CRM (Active Campaign) integration
Chat integration
Mobile compatibility
Google Analytics integration
Ongoing hosting and maintenance
Web page showing the clean design elements for Parkwood Doors' website.Mobile phones displaying optimized pages from Parkwood's website.Web page with hero image at top followed by detailed wood types with photo and explanation.Meet the team web page displaying individual team photos resembling polaroid photographs.

Have an Idea?
Let's Build and Scale It!

    Quentosity Group office sitting area.